The Greening Committee
First Greening meeting of 2024!
Get Involved with Greening!
Volunteer with FRNNG’s relaunched Greening Committee and get involved with neighborhood sustainability, conservation of green spaces and environmental justice.
Meetings happen the first Thursday of January, April and October from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at McRae Recreation Center (906 E. 47th St.) with lots of creek restoration volunteer opportunities happening May through November.
Co-chairs are Colleen Stockmann and Kyle Nelson.
All are welcome! Sign up as a Greening volunteer or just show up at the meeting.
Some great opportunities for neighbors!
Minnehaha Creek Restoration Project
Join Greening again in 2025 to remove invasive buckthorn along Minnehaha Creek! We provide training and hand tools to control buckthorn using the high cut method, so no power tools or chemicals are involved. Click here to sign up with your friends, neighbors or older kids and teens.
Learn more about the project at frnng.org/creek-restoration!
Raingarden Program
FRNNG partnered with local nonprofit Metro Blooms to offer a discount raingarden program for Field, Regina and Northrop residents. Slots were awarded through a lottery. Raingardens store and absorb rainwater, which is taken up by the long roots of native plants or soaks deep into the earth. These actions help to break down pollutants, cleaning the water and providing habitat for pollinators and other wildlife.
Applications have closed for 2024. Learn more here.
2nd Avenue Gardens
FRNNG is proud to support the efforts of neighbors to create gardens along the 2nd Avenue soundwall for 35-W like the one pictured!
To volunteer or get connected with the lead gardeners for 2nd Ave, please email frnng@frnng.org.
Plant Swap
The Greening Committee hosted its first-ever Plant Swap on May 22, 2024 at the McRae Rec. Center. It was a wonderful chance for gardeners and indoor plant enthusiasts to connect and share free plants, seedlings and cuttings. We plan to offer more swaps in the future!
Learn more about the event at frnng.org/plant-swap/