Snow Removal Assistance Program
New this year!
FRNNG is launching a volunteer program to provide snow removal assistance for neighbors in need in the Field-Regina-Northrop neighborhood (see map below).
Residents in these neighborhoods with a disability or physical difficulty that makes it challenging to remove snow may submit a request for help. FRNNG will help you match up with an available volunteer.
If you have the capacity to help a neighbor in need this winter, please sign up to help below.
How it works:
❄️ FRNNG will put neighbors who request help in contact with an available volunteer. It is up to the requester and volunteer to schedule shoveling and work out other details like what needs to be cleared, how often, what dates (e.g. if the requester needs help for only part of the season).
❄️ Assistance will be provided based on volunteer availability. FRNNG cannot guarantee that a volunteer will be available so please keep that in mind.
❄️ Volunteers provide their own equipment (shovels, snowblower, etc.). If you’d like to volunteer to help but need assistance getting a shovel, please reach out to our Coordinator, Lauren, at frnng@frnng.org. We’re here to help!
❄️ Capacity is limited: we ask that you request assistance only if you have a disability or physical difficulty that makes it challenging for you to remove snow and will be in Minneapolis during the winter season. If you plan to travel significantly, please use a snow removal service.
❄️ For questions, email frnng@frnng.org.
Request Snow Removal Assistance
Sign up by November 15, 2024 below to request snow removal assistance for the 2024-2025 winter season. Assistance is provided based on volunteer availability. FRNNG cannot guarantee that a volunteer will be available so please keep that in mind.
This is NOT for emergency shoveling requests so do not wait until a blizzard hits to request assistance. Please make a request well in advance of the first expected snowfall.
Volunteer to Help a Neighbor
Can you help a neighbor in need of snow removal assistance this winter? Sign up to help and FRNNG will put you in touch with a neighbor requesting help. It is up to you to decide whether or not to accept a volunteer job based on the specific request and then work out details with the requester, like what needs to be cleared, how often, what dates (e.g. if the requester needs help for only part of the season). Ideally, volunteers provide their own equipment (shovels, snowblower, etc.). If you’d like to volunteer but need a shovel, please reach out to us at frnng@frnng.org.
We have tons of storm drains around the Field-Regina-Northrop neighborhood that need to be adopted to keep them clear of leaves, sticks and other debris so they can do their job and keep our waterways and streets as clean as possible!
If you adopt a storm drain, you just need to clean it once per month so it's a low time commitment. Check out which storm drains are open near you at mn.adopt-a-drain.org/map.
Best of all, you get to name the drain(s) you adopt! Your drain could join already-adopted Field-Regina-Northrop drains like The Big G, Sarlacc Pit, Drainy McDrain Face, Twiggy and Flow.